Gun Control Reform Possible Without NRA Support?
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama by acaben
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License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License
Vice President Joe Biden met with members of the National Rifle Association and other supporters of gun rights yesterday. But what will come of the talks? Host Michel Martin checks in on that and more with the 'Barbershop' guys.
Joe Biden
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.892145
Disambiguation: Politician | Celebrity | CompanyFounder | FootballPlayer | OperaCharacter | PoliticalAppointer | U.S.Congressperson | USVicePresidentReferences:
Michel Martin
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.703336
Disambiguation: MusicalArtist | MusicalGroupMemberReferences:
Additional Info:
Organization: National Rifle Association
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.796345
Company: Twitter
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.571665
Disambiguation: Website | VentureFundedCompanyReferences:
Movie: Barbershop
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.442473
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Gun Control Reform Possible Without NRA Support?
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Vice President Joe Biden met with members of the National Rifle Association and other supporters of gun rights yesterday. But what will come of the talks? Host Michel Martin checks in on that and more with the 'Barbershop' guys.
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