Thursday, February 14, 2013

Science explains, solves jet lag | Reduction

Science explains, solves jet lag

Is it time to sleep again? No more play?
Is it time to sleep again? No more play? by AlexanderY
License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License

Weary travelers of the globe, fret no more! The Jet Lag Rooster will fix your troubles. The curiously named website-- introduced Jan. 1 by Jay Olson, who works in the psychology department at Simon Frasier University in British Columbia, Canada-- aims to make the tourist 's problem a thing of the past. 'Scientists have actually discovered that light exposure at certain times could begin shifting your body clock. ' - Jay Olson, creator of the Jet Lag Rooster
"A rooster tells you when to wake up. Jet Lag Rooster tells you when to wake up to reduce jet lag," Olson informed Experts long back fixed the riddle of jet lag, he discussed, tying the phenomenon that leaves us groggy and sluggish to the circadian rhythms that make our body clock tick.


Jay Olson

Overall Sentiment: -0.0604608

Relevance: 0.890277

-0.0511437“A rooster tells you when to wake up. Jet Lag Rooster tells you when to wake up to reduce jet lag,” Olson told ...
0“The challenge is, the public is largely not aware of this,” he told ...
0.0893519“The guidelines right now are based on published research,” Olson told ...
0.0741784“The guidelines right now are based on published research,” Olson told “As more research comes out I’ll be updating the methods. I’m trying to keep it current with the research.”
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 4
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.1123866
  • Mean: 0.02809665
  • Standard Deviation: 1.7320508075689


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