Many obstacles to weed out before pot is sold legally
Excerpt:Washington State's new law makes it legal for adults to possess up to an ounce of marijuana, but some speculate the federal government will prosecute those who use marijuana on federal land because federal law prohibits marijuana use. NBC's Kristen Dahlgren reports. By M. Alex Johnson, NBC NewsWashington and Colorado say you can legally smoke marijuana for fun now, but here's the catch: You can't legally buy it. M. Alex Johnson is a reporter for NBC News. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. Voters in those states passed initiatives last month to legalize recreational use of marijuana. As of last Thursday, it's legal under Washington law for anyone 21 and over to possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana, 16 ounces of "solid marijuana-infused product" (in other words, a pound of pot brownies) or 72 ounces of "marijuana-infused liquid."In Colorado, Gov.
marijuana M. Alex Johnson NBC News Kristen Dahlgren reports Washington Gov. John Hickenlooper solid marijuana-infused product new law federal government federal land ounce Washington State pot brownies federal law marijuana-infused liquid state Constitution Washington law ounces Colorado Facebook Voters Twitter Amendment catch pound buck adults reporter Entrepreneurs initiatives fun Thursday states Monday bhangPeople:
M. Alex Johnson
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.854358
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Kristen Dahlgren
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.479784
Gov. John Hickenlooper
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.435723
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Additional Info:
City: Washington
Overall Sentiment: 0.091856
Relevance: 0.672176
Disambiguation: AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | MilitaryPost | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | USCountyReferences:
StateOrCounty: Colorado
Overall Sentiment: 0.17101
Relevance: 0.536527
Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:
StateOrCounty: Washington
Overall Sentiment: 0.163072
Relevance: 0.530939
Disambiguation: References:
TelevisionStation: NBC News
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.703877
TelevisionStation: NBC
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.574948
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Overall Sentiment: -0.279507
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Company: Facebook
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.340745
Disambiguation: Website | VentureFundedCompanyReferences:
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Washington and Colorado say you can legally smoke marijuana for fun now, but here's the catch: You can't legally buy it.
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Many obstacles to weed out before pot is sold legally
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