Monday, February 11, 2013

Judge deciding if stores must post tobacco apology | Redux

Judge deciding if stores must post tobacco apology

Unloading tobacco from trailer into baskets according to the...
Unloading tobacco from trailer into baskets according to the... by New York Public Library
License (according to Flickr): No known copyright restrictions

RICHMOND, Va. -- A federal judge will soon determine whether your next tank of gas or bottle of soft drink has a cost-free apology from the Marlboro man and Joe Camel. A current ruling purchasing a multimedia blitz stating that the country 's biggest tobacco companies lied about the dangers of smoking left open the possibility that retailers can be required to publish big displays with the mea culpas. Retail trade groups are upset about the possibility the displays would commandeer their most valuable selling space and imply their very own guilt-by-association. As part of a case the government brought in 1999, U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler last month bought the tobacco companies to pay for corrective statements on cigarette packs, in print and on TV, radio and the Internet.


tobacco tobacco companies stores corrective statements convenience stores Retail trade groups valuable selling space public health public health groups retailers tobacco products displays tobacco outlet stores cigarette makers tobacco friendly environments convenience store National Association tobacco stores R.J. Reynolds Tobacco court filings U.S. convenience stores ruling Tobacco Outlets public health organizations lower cigarette prices convenience store association District Judge Gladys upscale convenience store cigarette maker Lorillard American Lung Association American Cancer Society free promotional displays typical meeting place prominently displaying products Altria Group Inc. retail stores Reynolds American Inc. Southard profitable impulse items Philip Morris USA recent ruling cigarette packs large displays retail displays Fifty-six-year-old Southard Larry Southard federal judge mea culpas health effects free apology


Fifty-six-year-old Southard

Overall Sentiment: 0.0279847

Relevance: 0.405412

-0.0473286"If the government and the legal system wants to do something to the tobacco companies, do it to the tobacco companies," said Larry Southard, ...
0"If the government and the legal system wants to do something to the tobacco companies, do it to the tobacco companies," said Larry Southard, who opened Papa's Healthy Food
0.316273 Fuel in western Massachusetts in 2004. "I don't know why they'd take it to that level when there are so many laws in place, there's so much information (about the health impacts of smoking) already, what is the purpose? To punish the retailer now?"
0.0217172"The customers want them. ... It is unfortunately a part of the American culture," Southard said. ...
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 4
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.2906616
  • Mean: 0.0726654
  • Standard Deviation: 1.4142135623731

Andy Kerstein

Overall Sentiment: 0.101475

Relevance: 0.303945

-0.142905"You can't take up valuable selling space and impact my bottom line to achieve your goal of having these corrective statements out there," said Andy Kerstein, ...
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 1
  • Aggregate Sentiment: -0.142905
  • Mean: -0.142905
  • Standard Deviation: 1.4142135623731

Gladys Kessler

Overall Sentiment: 0.0106986

Relevance: 0.288466

Joe Camel

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.273813

Howard Crystal

Overall Sentiment: 0.227862

Relevance: 0.251986

0.143925"It's just a vital location for these corrective statements so that youth and others who are going to buy cigarettes see (them)," said Howard Crystal, ...
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 1
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.143925
  • Mean: 0.143925
  • Standard Deviation: 1.4142135623731

Jeff Lenard

Overall Sentiment: 0.164473

Relevance: 0.247444

-0.325606"If you walk in someplace and you all of the sudden don't feel as good as you did a minute earlier, you're going to buy less. And we're not talking about tobacco," said Jeff Lenard ...
-0.196634"If you walk in someplace and you all of the sudden don't feel as good as you did a minute earlier, you're going to buy less. And we're not talking about tobacco," said Jeff Lenard of the convenience store association. "We're talking about a drink, we're talking about a sandwich."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 2
  • Aggregate Sentiment: -0.52224
  • Mean: -0.26112
  • Standard Deviation: 0


  • Aggregate Sentiment is meant to be an indicator of an individual's overall sentiment.
  • The Mean is meant to be an indicator of an individual's average comment sentiment.
  • The Standard Deviation, when there are enough quotes, will indicate an individual's consistency of sentiment (i.e. a Standard Deviation of 0 would mean they were very consistent in their sentiment and 1 would mean they were very inconsistent).

Note that quote stats are likely to be meaningless beyond the aggregate score due to the tiny sample size. However, they are always provided just in case you find something useful there.

Additional Info:

Organization: National Association of Tobacco Outlets

Overall Sentiment: 0.090936

Relevance: 0.408072

Organization: National Association of Convenience Stores

Overall Sentiment: 0.108488

Relevance: 0.403976

FieldTerminology: retail stores

Overall Sentiment: -0.0966132

Relevance: 0.81119

FieldTerminology: tobacco products

Overall Sentiment: 0.180273

Relevance: 0.454183


Overall Sentiment: 0.0101506

Relevance: 0.344008

Disambiguation: AdministrativeDivision | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | USCountyReferences:

Country: U.S.

Overall Sentiment: 0.180138

Relevance: 0.343429

Disambiguation: Location | Region | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | FilmEditorReferences:
URL Tags Info

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