Coat-Wearing Monkey Caught Outside Toronto Store
Excerpt:Customers spotted a monkey — clad in a pint-sized shearling coat — wandering around the store's parking lot Sunday afternoon. The animal made its way through rows of parked cars and ended up outside a set of store doors. Ikea staff lured the primate into a corner before calling police, who contacted the city's Animal Services department, said Staff Sgt. Ed Dzingala. A small monkey wearing a winter coat and a... View Full Caption "It was just outside the store, just in a corner area where the monkey had nowhere to go, but it was pretty scared," Dzingala said. He said the monkey had escaped its crate in a parked car. The monkey, which reportedly wore a diaper as well, never made it inside the store and was picked up by Animal Services officers within half an hour.
monkey pint-sized shearling coat parody Twitter accounts small monkey Staff Sgt. Ed store Animal Services officers parked cars parked car Sunday afternoon contacted police Ikea staff winter coat View Full Caption store doors Dzingala corner area flurry rows crate diaper persona primate parking incident Customers way set city Word commentsPeople:
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0.0783228 | "It was just outside the store, just in a corner area where the monkey had nowhere to go, but it was pretty scared," Dzingala said. ... |
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Organization: Animal Services department
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Coat-Wearing Monkey Caught Outside Toronto Store
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Coat-wearing monkey spotted, caught outside Ikea store in Toronto
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