Friday, February 15, 2013

Marijuana legalization passes in Colorado, Washington | Reduction

Marijuana legalization passes in Colorado, Washington

Lisbon Treaty Referendum Campaign - 2009
Lisbon Treaty Referendum Campaign - 2009 by infomatique
License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License

Voters have accepted marijuana legalization in Washington and Colorado, where this smoker commemorated the "420" holiday in Denver earlier this year. But it's still illegal, according to the feds. NEW YORK (CNNMoney)-- Voters in Washington and Colorado passed ballot efforts Tuesday to legalize marijuana for leisure use, the greatest victory ever before for the legalization movement. "The significance of these events can not be understated," said NORML, a pro-legalization organization, in a news launch. "Tonight, for the first time in history, two states have legalized and regulated the adult use and sale of cannabis.". But in many ways, it's just the start of the fight. Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights. "The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, in a statement.


Jeffrey Miron

Overall Sentiment: 0.030378

Relevance: 0.463047

-0.154177"[The feds] will do whatever they can to interfere with marijuana legalization in any state," said Miron ...
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 1
  • Aggregate Sentiment: -0.154177
  • Mean: -0.154177
  • Standard Deviation: 1.4142135623731

Gov. John Hickenlooper

Overall Sentiment: 0.142199

Relevance: 0.375353

0.186204"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, ...
0.0820268"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will," said Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, in a statement. "This is a complicated process, but we intend to follow through. That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug ,so don't break out the Cheetos or goldfish too quickly."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 2
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.2682308
  • Mean: 0.1341154
  • Standard Deviation: 1.7320508075689


  • Aggregate Sentiment is meant to be an indicator of an individual's overall sentiment.
  • The Mean is meant to be an indicator of an individual's average comment sentiment.
  • The Standard Deviation, when there are enough quotes, will indicate an individual's consistency of sentiment (i.e. a Standard Deviation of 0 would mean they were very consistent in their sentiment and 1 would mean they were very inconsistent).

Note that quote stats are likely to be meaningless beyond the aggregate score due to the tiny sample size. However, they are always provided just in case you find something useful there.

Additional Info:

FieldTerminology: federal law

Overall Sentiment: -0.320705

Relevance: 0.380104

Drug: cannabis

Overall Sentiment: -0.0142879

Relevance: 0.359828

Organization: federal government

Overall Sentiment: -0.189068

Relevance: 0.470962

Organization: Cato Institute

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.335077

Organization: Harvard University

Overall Sentiment: 0.0310641

Relevance: 0.318097

StateOrCounty: Colorado

Overall Sentiment: 0.132126

Relevance: 0.881714

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Washington

Overall Sentiment: 0.196175

Relevance: 0.405865

StateOrCounty: Montana

Overall Sentiment: 0.135712

Relevance: 0.344398

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Massachusetts

Overall Sentiment: 0.144347

Relevance: 0.336507

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Arkansas

Overall Sentiment: -0.282867

Relevance: 0.326708

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Oregon

Overall Sentiment: -0.0539408

Relevance: 0.323599

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USState | WineRegionReferences:

City: Washington

Overall Sentiment: 0.0808858

Relevance: 0.729741

Disambiguation: AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | MilitaryPost | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | USCountyReferences:

City: Denver

Overall Sentiment: 0.0712359

Relevance: 0.370455


Overall Sentiment: 0.163072

Relevance: 0.346142

Disambiguation: GeographicFeature | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | Island | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | USCountyReferences:
URL Tags

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