Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Extreme weather tough on transportation system | Redux

Extreme weather tough on transportation system

United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP15 - Copenhagen, Denmark
United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP15 - Copenhagen, Denmark by kk+
License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License

CHICAGO, IL - OCTOBER 30: Waves created from the remainders Hurricane Sandy crash into the coastline of Lake Michigan on October 30, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. Waves approximately 25 feet high created by winds up to 50 miles-per-hour were expected on the lake. / Scott Olson/Getty Images

Wild weather is taking a toll on roadways, flight terminals, railways and transportation systems around the country. That's leaving states and cities looking for means to prepare for even more misfortunes like Superstorm Sandy that are straining the country 's transportation lifelines past exactly what their builders pictured. Despite their issues about extreme rain, historic floods and record heat waves, some transportation coordinators find it too politically sensitive to say aloud a source of their weather worries : climate change.


Paula Hammond

Overall Sentiment: -0.0377455

Relevance: 0.884104

0.202176"The infrastructure of the nation is aging and it's at risk because, quite frankly, we're all not investing enough to take care of these facilities," said Hammond, ...
0.10743"The infrastructure of the nation is aging and it's at risk because, quite frankly, we're all not investing enough to take care of these facilities," said Hammond, the chairwoman of the climate committee. "And now we're facing extreme weather threats that cause us to need emergency response capabilities beyond what we've had in the past."
-0.144909"we have seen more erratic weather patterns that we haven't had before, so we really can't imagine what kind of winter or summer we're going to have anymore," Hammond said. ...
-0.149658"Each time you replace a bridge, states have to be thinking about not just what kind of traffic demand there is, but how do I make sure this is a bridge that will withstand the future given the erratic weather patterns and climate change we're seeing," Hammond said.
-0.0413066"Each time you replace a bridge, states have to be thinking about not just what kind of traffic demand there is, but how do I make sure this is a bridge that will withstand the future given the erratic weather patterns and climate change we're seeing," Hammond said. "It's a new layer of analysis."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 5
  • Aggregate Sentiment: -0.0262676
  • Mean: -0.00525352
  • Standard Deviation: 0

John Horsley

Overall Sentiment: -0.0345339

Relevance: 0.864668

0"There is a whole series of standards that are going to have to be revisited in light of the change in climate that is coming at us," said John Horsley, ...
-0.155059"That puts stress on pavements that previously we didn't see," Horsley said. ...
0"climate change," Horsley said. ...
0.341381"In the Northeast, you can call it climate change. ... That's an acceptable term in that region of the country," he said. ...
0.0400191"In the Northeast, you can call it climate change. ... That's an acceptable term in that region of the country," he said. "Elsewhere, in the South and the (Mountain) West, it's still not an acceptable term because of ideology or whatever you want to call it."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 5
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.2263411
  • Mean: 0.04526822
  • Standard Deviation: 1.7320508075689
Disambiguation: References:

Superstorm Sandy

Overall Sentiment: -0.622012

Relevance: 0.671179


Overall Sentiment: -0.028171

Relevance: 0.518318

Steve Winkelman

Overall Sentiment: -0.475709

Relevance: 0.500039

-0.339142"This is about my basement flooding, not the polar bear -- what I call inconvenient sewer overflow," Winkelman said. ...
-0.339142"This is about my basement flooding, not the polar bear -- what I call inconvenient sewer overflow," Winkelman said. "It makes it real."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 2
  • Aggregate Sentiment: -0.678284
  • Mean: -0.339142
  • Standard Deviation: 0

Ray LaHood

Overall Sentiment: -0.279146

Relevance: 0.451989

Disambiguation: Politician | Appointee | U.S.CongresspersonReferences:

Deron Lovaas

Overall Sentiment: -0.1726

Relevance: 0.419216

-0.212805"They got hit with what was even worse than even their worst-case scenario," said Deron Lovaas, ...
-0.116398"They got hit with what was even worse than even their worst-case scenario," said Deron Lovaas, a transportation expert with the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group. "This was an active test of ... climate preparedness, and they failed."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 2
  • Aggregate Sentiment: -0.329203
  • Mean: -0.1646015
  • Standard Deviation: 0


  • Aggregate Sentiment is meant to be an indicator of an individual's overall sentiment.
  • The Mean is meant to be an indicator of an individual's average comment sentiment.
  • The Standard Deviation, when there are enough quotes, will indicate an individual's consistency of sentiment (i.e. a Standard Deviation of 0 would mean they were very consistent in their sentiment and 1 would mean they were very inconsistent).

Note that quote stats are likely to be meaningless beyond the aggregate score due to the tiny sample size. However, they are always provided just in case you find something useful there.

Additional Info:

NaturalDisaster: Hurricane Sandy

Overall Sentiment: -0.130486

Relevance: 0.528541

Organization: Transportation Department

Overall Sentiment: 0.0129753

Relevance: 0.512187

Organization: Obama administration

Overall Sentiment: -0.784374

Relevance: 0.421804

Organization: congressional commission

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.416184

Organization: Center for Clean Air Policy

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.407531

Company: US Airways

Overall Sentiment: -0.0372135

Relevance: 0.465094

Company: The Associated Press

Overall Sentiment: 0.082232

Relevance: 0.335198

City: New York

Overall Sentiment: 0.118405

Relevance: 0.44499

Disambiguation: PoliticalDistrict | GovernmentalJurisdiction | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | WineRegion | FilmScreeningVenueReferences:


Overall Sentiment: -0.0498433

Relevance: 0.529058

City: Dallas

Overall Sentiment: 0.0610633

Relevance: 0.451526

Disambiguation: AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | PlaceWithNeighborhoodsReferences:

City: Omaha

Overall Sentiment: -0.518071

Relevance: 0.446478

Disambiguation: AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | PlaceWithNeighborhoodsReferences:

City: Philadelphia

Overall Sentiment: 0.27164

Relevance: 0.418852

Disambiguation: AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | OlympicBiddingCity | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | AirportOperatorReferences:

StateOrCounty: Washington

Overall Sentiment: -0.655716

Relevance: 0.565286

StateOrCounty: Illinois

Overall Sentiment: -0.0549854

Relevance: 0.462527

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: IL

Overall Sentiment: -0.0398882

Relevance: 0.433286

StateOrCounty: New Jersey

Overall Sentiment: 0.131789

Relevance: 0.433224

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Colorado

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.42861

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Neb.

Overall Sentiment: -0.428058

Relevance: 0.421945

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: Virginia

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.39416

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: North Dakota

Overall Sentiment: -0.420819

Relevance: 0.390894

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

Region: Northeast

Overall Sentiment: 0.263068

Relevance: 0.545847

Region: West

Overall Sentiment: -0.211474

Relevance: 0.377916

Country: U.S.

Overall Sentiment: -0.324976

Relevance: 0.451176

Disambiguation: Location | Region | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | FilmEditorReferences:

GeographicFeature: Missouri River

Overall Sentiment: -0.0551192

Relevance: 0.445735

Webpage Meta Tags Info

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