Monday, February 25, 2013

FEMA boats for Sandy victims? | Synopsis

FEMA boats for Sandy victims?

Rockefeller Plaza, exhibit [for] United Nations by OWI, New York, N.Y. Between photographic displays is [the] Atlantic charter in frame with transmitters at each end and where voices of Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek are heard each half hour; su
Rockefeller Plaza, exhibit [for] United Nations by OWI, New York, N.Y. Between photographic displays is [the] Atlantic charter in frame with transmitters at each end and where voices of Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek are heard each half hour; su by The Library of Congress
License (according to Flickr): No known copyright restrictions

Washington (CNN) -- Hoping to find a solution for New York and New Jersey residents displaced by Superstorm Sandy, the federal government announced Thursday it was looking into the possibility of housing residents on boats. In a request for information notice posted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, officials said they were looking for input from the maritime industry in the hopes of finding rapid and cost-effective housing options on small boats or similar vessels. FEMA said the purpose of the request was for market research only and to explore whether the maritime industry could offer viable options for residents who remain homeless. Officials said the vessels they requested ideally would sleep two to six adults and could be standalone boats or interconnected to create a single dwelling made of multiple units.


Superstorm Sandy

Overall Sentiment: 0.108346

Relevance: 0.361711

Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Overall Sentiment: 0.0806307

Relevance: 0.308651

Disambiguation: Politician | OfficeHolder | TVActorReferences:

Gov. Chris Christie

Overall Sentiment: 0.121961

Relevance: 0.300627

Additional Info:

Organization: federal government

Overall Sentiment: -0.0217304

Relevance: 0.315917

Company: CNN

Overall Sentiment: 0.703023

Relevance: 0.322492

Disambiguation: Broadcast | AwardWinner | RadioNetwork | TVNetworkReferences:

NaturalDisaster: Hurricane Katrina

Overall Sentiment: 0.163072

Relevance: 0.320556

StateOrCounty: New Jersey

Overall Sentiment: 0.0252858

Relevance: 0.842277

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: New York

Overall Sentiment: -0.0364985

Relevance: 0.393947

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | Country | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USState | WineRegionReferences:

StateOrCounty: Washington

Overall Sentiment: 0.608304

Relevance: 0.306278

City: New York

Overall Sentiment: 0.229828

Relevance: 0.541162

Disambiguation: GeographicFeature | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | Island | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | USCountyReferences:
URL Header Info

Watch: West Virginia Gas Explosion Destroys at Least 5 Homes | Reduction

Watch: West Virginia Gas Explosion Destroys at Least 5 Homes

West Virginia State Route 9
West Virginia State Route 9 by Dougtone
License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License

A huge explosion in West Virginia has destroyed at least five homes. This picture was taken by EMS workers on their way to the scene and -- and bill near interstate 77. Flames were shooting up as high...

Watch: West Virginia Gas Explosion Destroys at Least 5 Homes

Additional Info:

StateOrCounty: West Virginia

Overall Sentiment: -0.783811

Relevance: 0.950092

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

Company: EMS

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.81614

URL Header Info

Sunday, February 24, 2013

First Lady Tracks Santa From Hawaii | Synopsis

First Lady Tracks Santa From Hawaii

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama by acaben
License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License

While President Obama invested his Christmas Eve afternoon golfing with buddies, the first woman was hard at work helping children from around the country track Santa's every step. Mrs. Obama took around 30 mins from her Hawaiian family vacation to answer calls from children asking where Santa was located as part of the yearly NORAD Tracks Santa program run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command, according to a White House official. "Have you been a good boy this year?" Mrs. Obama asked Fischer from North Carolina. "Yes, ma'am" responded the polite 5-year-old, who asked Santa to bring him a four-wheeler this year. Klye from Winona, N. J. , liked to know exactly what the first woman 's preferred present was when she was a girl. "When I was little. I loved Barbie dolls.



Overall Sentiment: 0.201627

Relevance: 0.921664

0.339181“Yes, ma’am” responded the polite 5-year-old, who asked Santa ...
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 1
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.339181
  • Mean: 0.339181
  • Standard Deviation: 1.4142135623731

Mrs. Obama

Overall Sentiment: 0.283922

Relevance: 0.764234

0.363571“Have you been a good boy this year?” Mrs. Obama asked ...
0.239456“When I was little.  I loved Barbie dolls.  I was a big Barbie doll kid, and every Christmas I got a new Barbie.  One year I got the Barbie townhouse and the camper.  It was very exciting,” Mrs. Obama said. ...
0.446227“He’s moving pretty fast.  That’s pretty exciting, isn’t it?” she asked ...
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 3
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 1.049254
  • Mean: 0.34975133333333
  • Standard Deviation: 1


Overall Sentiment: 0.167172

Relevance: 0.246818


Overall Sentiment: 0.389065

Relevance: 0.246681


Overall Sentiment: 0.0508236

Relevance: 0.240565

N. J.

Overall Sentiment: 0.257798

Relevance: 0.226153


Overall Sentiment: 0.515241

Relevance: 0.211635


  • Aggregate Sentiment is meant to be an indicator of an individual's overall sentiment.
  • The Mean is meant to be an indicator of an individual's average comment sentiment.
  • The Standard Deviation, when there are enough quotes, will indicate an individual's consistency of sentiment (i.e. a Standard Deviation of 0 would mean they were very consistent in their sentiment and 1 would mean they were very inconsistent).

Note that quote stats are likely to be meaningless beyond the aggregate score due to the tiny sample size. However, they are always provided just in case you find something useful there.

Additional Info:

FieldTerminology: Barbie dolls.

Overall Sentiment: 0.503693

Relevance: 0.343923

Holiday: Christmas

Overall Sentiment: 0.147864

Relevance: 0.377591

Holiday: Christmas Eve

Overall Sentiment: 0.203329

Relevance: 0.364706

Organization: North American Aerospace Defense Command

Overall Sentiment: 0.073772

Relevance: 0.31894

Webpage Header

Boy Scouts leader arrested on child porn charges | Synopsis

Boy Scouts leader arrested on child porn charges


A New York Boy Scouts leader was arrested Wednesday after authorities discovered hundreds of pictures of pornography on his pc involving children as young as five years old, authorities said. Edward Orenchuk III, of Garden City, N.Y., was charged with 3 counts of promoting a sexual performance by a child as a sexually motivated felony and 3 counts of having a sexual performance by a child, according to the Nassau County District Attorney's Office. Investigators noted Orenchuk making multiple pictures of child pornography readily available for download online during August and September, and they tracked the source of those images to his home, said Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice.


Edward Orenchuk III

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.545316

Kathleen Rice

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.460861

Additional Info:

StateOrCounty: Nassau County

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.599602

City: New York

Overall Sentiment: -0.0155038

Relevance: 0.393411

City: Garden City

Overall Sentiment: 0.0128956

Relevance: 0.329528

Organization: Nassau County District Attorney's Office

Overall Sentiment: 0.0582194

Relevance: 0.879228

Site Meta Tags Details

Get ready for pricey 'Ultra HD' TVs | Synopsis

Get ready for pricey 'Ultra HD' TVs

DVD and HD Collection (1)
DVD and HD Collection (1) by William Hook
License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License

Every year at the Consumer Electronics Show, there's a big television advance to spotlight. Whether it's super-slim LED TVs, or 3-D TV or Internet-integrated "smart TVs," manufacturers always coalesce around a trend and hope consumers will follow their lead. This year is no different: A flood of 4K TVs is coming. 4K video, also known as "Ultra HD," has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels. That's exactly four times the size of current 1080p video, and it's seen as the next big leap for TV and video technology. More pixels means more details. When you first look at a 4K display, the image depth is immediately evident. Most impressive is how sharply separated objects in the foreground are from the background of any shot. It gives an effect similar to 3-D, without actually being 3-D.

Get ready for pricey 'Ultra HD' TVs

Additional Info:

Country: U.S.

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.323415

Disambiguation: Location | Region | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | FilmEditorReferences:

Technology: TV

Overall Sentiment: 0.364601

Relevance: 0.736278

Technology: TVs

Overall Sentiment: 0.141256

Relevance: 0.376805

Technology: Blu-ray

Overall Sentiment: 0.196473

Relevance: 0.331453

Company: Sony

Overall Sentiment: -0.093181

Relevance: 0.726505

Disambiguation: OperatingSystemDeveloper | ProcessorManufacturer | ProductionCompany | RecordLabel | SoftwareDeveloper | VideoGameDeveloper | VideoGamePublisher | AwardNominee | ComputerDesignerReferences:

Company: Samsung

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.670947

Company: Vizio

Overall Sentiment: 0.0673492

Relevance: 0.586293

Company: Westinghouse

Overall Sentiment: 0.0269123

Relevance: 0.402704

Company: Toshiba

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.386216

Company: Netflix

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.301179

Organization: NFLX

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.314142

Disambiguation: Company | VentureFundedCompanyReferences:
Webpage Header Details

Some sheriffs vow not to enforce Obama gun plan | Essentials

Some sheriffs vow not to enforce Obama gun plan


Denny Peyman didn't watch President Barack Obama's gun-control announcement Wednesday. But the Jackson County, Ky. , sheriff said he already knows how the proposals will affect the way he does his job: not one whit. Peyman is one of several sheriffs across the country who are vowing not to enforce new firearms restrictions that could be imposed by Congress or by executive order. "Kentucky is a sovereign state," Peyman told NBC News. "The federal government is coming in and saying, 'This is what you're going to do.


Denny Peyman

Overall Sentiment: 0.407402

Relevance: 0.841157

0.417843"Kentucky is a sovereign state," Peyman told ...
0.338115"Kentucky is a sovereign state," Peyman told NBC News. "The federal government is coming in and saying, 'This is what you're going to do.' We're not going to do it."
Sentiment Stats:
  • Number of Quotes: 2
  • Aggregate Sentiment: 0.755958
  • Mean: 0.377979
  • Standard Deviation: 1.7320508075689

Barack Obama

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.490176

Disambiguation: Politician | President | Appointer | AwardWinner | Celebrity | PoliticalAppointer | U.S.Congressperson | USPresident | TVActorReferences:


  • Aggregate Sentiment is meant to be an indicator of an individual's overall sentiment.
  • The Mean is meant to be an indicator of an individual's average comment sentiment.
  • The Standard Deviation, when there are enough quotes, will indicate an individual's consistency of sentiment (i.e. a Standard Deviation of 0 would mean they were very consistent in their sentiment and 1 would mean they were very inconsistent).

Note that quote stats are likely to be meaningless beyond the aggregate score due to the tiny sample size. However, they are always provided just in case you find something useful there.

Additional Info:

Organization: federal government

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.401172

Organization: Congress

Overall Sentiment: -0.194566

Relevance: 0.305049

Disambiguation: Dedicator | GovernmentalBody | Legislature | NaturalOrCulturalPreservationAgencyReferences:

TelevisionStation: NBC News

Overall Sentiment: 0.302931

Relevance: 0.309741

StateOrCounty: Jackson County

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.360767

StateOrCounty: Kentucky

Overall Sentiment: 0.407402

Relevance: 0.316036

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:
Site Meta Tags Details

Video: Obama to reveal gun safety measures | Redux

Video: Obama to reveal gun safety measures


President Obama's gun safety proposals will deal with access to firearms and ammunition, school safety, mental health awareness and treatment as well as how the federal government and states run background checks and on the types of gun sales subject to those checks. Major Garrett reports.


President Obama

Overall Sentiment: 0.0685645

Relevance: 0.835613

Major Garrett

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.732193

Disambiguation: Journalist | TVActorReferences:

Additional Info:

Organization: federal government

Overall Sentiment: 0.863244

Relevance: 0.643348

Webpage Meta Info

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Top 12 dumb celebrity quotes of 2012 | Synopsis

Top 12 dumb celebrity quotes of 2012


Top 12 dumb celebrity quotes of 2012 | Fox News Fox News Digital Network   Fox News   Fox Business   uReport   Fox News Radio   Fox News Latino   Fox Nation   Fox News Insider Login Account You're logged in as   Edit Profile Logout Video Politics U.S. Opinion Entertainment Tech Science Health Travel Lifestyle World Sports On Air Browse Slideshows Next Slide Previous Previous Slide Next Slide Advertisement FoxNews.

Top 12 dumb celebrity quotes of 2012

Additional Info:

TelevisionStation: FOX News Network

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.867702

TelevisionShow: Fox Business

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.615007

Company: Fox News

Overall Sentiment: 0.114039

Relevance: 0.955783

Company: LinkedIn

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.373055

Company: Facebook

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.361253

Company: Twitter

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.358722

Disambiguation: Website | VentureFundedCompanyReferences:

Company: Google+

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.324711

Company: Moore Ag

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.322953

Country: U.S

Overall Sentiment: 0

Relevance: 0.460938

Disambiguation: Location | Region | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | FilmEditorReferences:
Meta Tags Info