Monday, February 25, 2013

FEMA boats for Sandy victims? | Synopsis

FEMA boats for Sandy victims?

Rockefeller Plaza, exhibit [for] United Nations by OWI, New York, N.Y. Between photographic displays is [the] Atlantic charter in frame with transmitters at each end and where voices of Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek are heard each half hour; su
Rockefeller Plaza, exhibit [for] United Nations by OWI, New York, N.Y. Between photographic displays is [the] Atlantic charter in frame with transmitters at each end and where voices of Roosevelt, Churchill and Chiang Kai-Shek are heard each half hour; su by The Library of Congress
License (according to Flickr): No known copyright restrictions

Washington (CNN) -- Hoping to find a solution for New York and New Jersey residents displaced by Superstorm Sandy, the federal government announced Thursday it was looking into the possibility of housing residents on boats. In a request for information notice posted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, officials said they were looking for input from the maritime industry in the hopes of finding rapid and cost-effective housing options on small boats or similar vessels. FEMA said the purpose of the request was for market research only and to explore whether the maritime industry could offer viable options for residents who remain homeless. Officials said the vessels they requested ideally would sleep two to six adults and could be standalone boats or interconnected to create a single dwelling made of multiple units.


Superstorm Sandy

Overall Sentiment: 0.108346

Relevance: 0.361711

Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Overall Sentiment: 0.0806307

Relevance: 0.308651

Disambiguation: Politician | OfficeHolder | TVActorReferences:

Gov. Chris Christie

Overall Sentiment: 0.121961

Relevance: 0.300627

Additional Info:

Organization: federal government

Overall Sentiment: -0.0217304

Relevance: 0.315917

Company: CNN

Overall Sentiment: 0.703023

Relevance: 0.322492

Disambiguation: Broadcast | AwardWinner | RadioNetwork | TVNetworkReferences:

NaturalDisaster: Hurricane Katrina

Overall Sentiment: 0.163072

Relevance: 0.320556

StateOrCounty: New Jersey

Overall Sentiment: 0.0252858

Relevance: 0.842277

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USStateReferences:

StateOrCounty: New York

Overall Sentiment: -0.0364985

Relevance: 0.393947

Disambiguation: Location | PoliticalDistrict | AdministrativeDivision | Country | GovernmentalJurisdiction | USState | WineRegionReferences:

StateOrCounty: Washington

Overall Sentiment: 0.608304

Relevance: 0.306278

City: New York

Overall Sentiment: 0.229828

Relevance: 0.541162

Disambiguation: GeographicFeature | AdministrativeDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | Island | PlaceWithNeighborhoods | USCountyReferences:
URL Header Info

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