Video: New Zealand shelter teaches dogs to drive
Marcel Duchamp, Trebuchet (Trap), 1917 / 1963 by 16 Miles of String
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License (according to Flickr): Attribution-ShareAlike License
New Zealand shelter instructs dogs to drive - Video on
TODAY|Aired on December 05, 2012. New Zealand shelter instructs dogs to drive. An animal shelter in New Zealand is teaching dogs the best ways to drive by building a special training vehicle and letting the dogs jump behind the wheel. NBC's Natalie Morales reports. Share This:. Related %%PRO10%% clips. Notes of this video. Animal Tracks. New Zealand shelter instructs dogs to drive.
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New Zealand shelter Nightly News special training vehicle Natalie Morales reports dogs husband trade barbs DJ Bob Marley Meet ‘Tardar Sauce video animal shelter Animal Tracks Holiday pastries Meredith Vieira Edinburgh Zoo Oregon Zoo Thai customs Maui surf grumpy cat tiger cubs bit child family dog transcript pooches pandas canines SeaWorld Share videos elephant NBC backyard vote reptiles spin anniversary wheel Japan DeerPeople:
Natalie Morales
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.424662
Disambiguation: Journalist | TVPersonalityReferences:
Meredith Vieira
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.420501
Disambiguation: AwardWinner | Journalist | TVPersonality | TVActorReferences:
Bob Marley
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.404005
Disambiguation: MusicalArtist | Celebrity | Guitarist | HallOfFameInductee | MusicalGroupMember | FilmActor | LyricistReferences:
Additional Info:
Country: New Zealand
Overall Sentiment: 0.0873042
Relevance: 0.91955
Disambiguation: Organization | Location | HumanLanguage | Region | AdministrativeDivision | CompanyDivision | GovernmentalJurisdiction | KingdomReferences:
Country: Japan
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.358128
Disambiguation: Location | GovernmentalJurisdiction | Kingdom | MilitaryPostReferences:
Facility: Edinburgh Zoo
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.415426
Facility: Oregon Zoo
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.399361
Company: NBC
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.397855
Disambiguation: Broadcast | AwardNominee | AwardWinner | FilmDistributor | TVNetwork | TelevisionStation | TVWriterReferences:
Organization: tiger cubs
Overall Sentiment: -0.0976391
Relevance: 0.375674
TelevisionShow: Nightly News
Overall Sentiment: 0
Relevance: 0.592511
Disambiguation: AwardWinnerReferences:
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Source Site: Video: New Zealand shelter teaches dogs to drive
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An animal shelter in New Zealand is teaching dogs how to drive by building a special training vehicle and letting the canines jump behind the wheel. NBC’s Natalie Morales reports. (TODAY)
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Video: New Zealand shelter teaches dogs to drive
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